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Meet Eva - SYA france SEMESTER 2021

A white female SYA high school student has a wide grin and is holding ice cream towards the camera.
Favorite SYA Class: Histoire de l'Art

Favorite Food in France: Espresso
How did you come to the decision to attend SYA? 
I want to go to university in the United States, and this was a great way for me to begin living independently in Europe. I also really wanted to improve my French, and I ended up doing just that.

What did you learn in your semester abroad that surprised you? 
That I was really independent and that I enjoy my own company.

How was your education at SYA different than at your high school? 
There was more of a feel of community, because everyone wants the same thing. We are all there to explore, learn, and also grow our language skills.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering SYA? 
Be careful which option you choose, the semester or year, because I chose the semester option very quickly and regretted it almost immediately when I was there.

How did your semester abroad change you? 
I found that I like European life way more than American life, as well as my French will forever be changed.
Two students stand in a crosswalk of a small street in front of an outdoor market. They are wearing masks and jeans.
A SYA female high school student sits at an outdoor cafe with her host family. They are all smiling and facing the camera.

Do you have a particularly special host family moment? 
I always enjoyed having dinner with them. My host mom always made me a tea afterwards, and we watched Downton Abbey in French together to help me practice my French.

At SYA, the curriculum lives in and outside the classroom, what memorable educational experience did you have outside the classroom? 
We went on multiple trips as a group, and we also did field work, and I found that working together was very important. The group becomes very tightly knit.
What life skills do you feel like you learned while at SYA?
I learned new language skills, which was definitely what I was hoping for. I also realized there are a lot of people out there who are like me and want the same things. Going to SYA made me meet those people, and I will have friends from there forever.
Do you have any additional experiences, memories, or suggestions you would like to share?
SYA was one of the best decisions of my life, and I am very sad it is over. I am so glad that I got to experience it though, and I would 100% recommend going to anyone who is ready.
Two white SYA high school students stand facing the camera outside, they are making silly faces and wearing sweatshirts.