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An SYA Italy high school student takes a photo in the crowd

Total immersion in the culture includes involvement in extracurricular activities

SYA believes strongly that total immersion in the language, culture and country includes involvement in extracurricular activities. Therefore, students are required to connect with the local community through activities.  SYA's activity coordinator will help make the connection for students to desired activities that are available locally.

Maybe you're looking to continue a particular activity or maybe you want to try something new - at each SYA campus, there is an Activities Coordinator to help you get involved!

Chances are, if you're enthusiastic about something, there will be a community in your host country that shares your interest. See the world, do what you love, and fully engage in your new community with SYA!


I volunteered at a local retirement home in France. It was super rewarding to spend time with locals and practice the language. I learned so much about the French culture through interacting with people outside of my host family." - Noelle A., FR'23, Berkeley Carroll

For one of my extracurricular activities in Spain, I joined a local rowing team, having never rowed before. SYA helped me embrace the attitude of trying new things and being comfortable with being uncomfortable. My teammates only spoke Spanish, and by the end of the year, I was rowing in regattas!" - Lucy S., ES'23, Marin Academy