Virtual Class with SYA Italy's Santo Sammartino

Back to School with Santo Sammartino

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 3 PM EDT

La penisola italiana è un paradiso creato dai ricordi di viaggiatori oppure è una realtà che gli Italiani non capiscono?

How do memories change our perception of things? How do years that have gone by modify our perception of reality?

In this class, we'll talk about the historical reputation that Italy has had -- an earthly paradise where many civilizations came to conquer and many visitors have shared "paradisiacal memories." Why do Italians, or those who have lived in Italy for quite some time, don't share these same feelings often complaining about things like politics, corruption and bureaucracy, while "foreigners" arrived thinking that they have landed in paradise. 

Conversational skills in Italian are strongly recommended.

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