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Bulgari Family Gift Creates Scholarship Fund

$1.5 Million Gift is Largest in SYA’s History

October 2011 — School Year Abroad is pleased to announce the Bulgari Family has donated $1.5 million to SYA: $1 million to the Halsey Fund, SYA’s first endowed scholarship, and $500,000 to provide funding for the now completed Campaign for Spain. Named and established in honor of Woodruff W. Halsey II — former president, executive director, resident director and teacher — the Halsey Fund will enable one student per year to receive generous financial aid as well as a stipend for round-trip airfare to the SYA school of enrollment.

The gift, the largest in SYA’s 47-year history was presented to SYA at the Annual Homecoming held at the JFK Library and Museum in July 2011. Representing the Bulgari family at the event, Natalia Bulgari ES’86 said, “Twenty–five years ago Woody Halsey had my best interest at heart when he took me off the waiting list, told me I needed to keep my grades up and gave me the opportunity to spend a year studying in Spain. That opportunity changed my life.

“As a testament to your dedication, your vision and your inspiration, my family and I wish to enable others to share in the transforming experience that is a year with SYA. With this gift, we hope to enable SYA to broaden its reach and offer its unique program to an ever more diverse student body and to invite them to experience Woody’s great legacy, his insatiable curiosity, his joy of learning languages, and his understanding of different cultures.”

The Halsey Fund scholarship is open to all 11th and 12th grade students who are interested in global studies, language proficiency and deeper understanding of different cultures, and have demonstrated financial need. The Halsey Fund aims not only to provide the financial resources necessary to attend SYA, but to create a spirit of philanthropy among the scholars so that they give of their time, resources, and talent to make the world a better place.

With this generous gift, the Bulgari family hopes to underscore the critical nature of philanthropy to the future of SYA’s mission of educating young adults to be global citizens and informed, compassionate leaders.