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Gather. Reonnect. Celebrate.

It's time for your reunion!

There's no better time to reconnect with old friends and reminisce about your time abroad. Classes ending in 0 or 5 celebrate milestone reunions this year!  A big shout out to ES'75 and FR'75 as they celebrate their 50th reunions, and to the classes of CN'00, ES'00 and FR'00 as they celebrate their 25th. 

Want to learn more about organizing your reunion? Read more about celebrating and giving back below then  contact us to help get one organized. 

Celebrate and Give Back

While some classes plan in advance to hold milestone reunions abroad in the host city of their campus, most try to schedule a gathering in a central location based on where classmates live.

Often, classmates celebrating a milestone reunion come together to commemorate shared experiences — a distinguished education, inspiring mentors and lifelong friendships.

Upcoming Reunions